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The Power of a Praying Wife  by Stormie Omartian, Michael Omartian. Today challenges and pressures can make a fulfilling marriage seem like an impossible dream. Yet God delights in doing the impossible if only we would ask! Stormie Omartian shares how God has strengthened her own marriage since she began to pray for her husband concerning key areas of his life, including his spiritual walk, his emotions, his role as a father, his security in work and finances, his health and physical protection, his faith, and his future.

the power of a praying husband

 the Power of a Praying Husband Stormie Omartian Building on the tremendous response to The Power of a Praying Wife (more than 1 million copies in print), bestselling author Stormie Omartian now offers this guide to help husbands pray for the most important person in their life-their wife. A foreword by Stormie's husband, Michael, and comments on each chapter from well-known Christian men round out this dynamic prayer resource

Resolving Conflict Through Marriage

 Find a place of agreement and move on! With Darrell Hines' insightful guide to romance and marriage, women will discover how they can walk together in a stronger commitment with their spouses;Resolving Conflict in Marriage shows them how to build relationships reflect godly principles and overcome difficulties. With over 70 % of marriages that end up in diviorce coming from the Christian Church this book is a must have!