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 Walking with the lord is very important for the beleiver in Christ . So get into these great titles for a devoted life to the lord.

  The Purpose Driven Life By Rick Warren

The Purpose Driven Life By Rick Warren
What level of living are you reaching for? Survival, success or significance? Rick Warren believes God created you for a life of tremendous significance. One with a mission that fills you with energy, confidence, and satisfaction. A life with direction and impact for Gods  kingdom. A purpose-driven life.
In The Purpose-Driven Life, the author of the phenomenally popular Purpose Driven Church uncovers seven essentials for understanding and fulfilling your God-given life mission

  Praying god will for your life

 Praying God's Will For Your Life Workbook & Journal by, Stormie Omartian For years Stormie Omartian prayed the prayer, Change my husband Lord. Then she realized that she had to pray for herself and examine her own heart  before she could pray effectively for him. Her prayer had  become, Change me, Lord. In this book, she presents the process for all wives who want the power to pray for themselves and their husbands.

  It's not about me!

 It's Not About Me Max Lucado We live in a culture of selfishness. We are surrounded by messages that say to be happy, to have ultimate purpose in life, we need to make ourselves the center of the universe. Even when we pray, many of us ask God only for what we want. Such a philosophy is fatal.
In his new book, Max Lucado proclaims that to live a fulfilling life we must realize that it's not about me.We were created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We have but one question to ask before each decision, Will this glorify God?.